
We use Social Network Analysis and machine learning to diagnose systemic issues in organisations. Instead of focusing on a specific issue in isolation, we look holistically at an organisation to better understand the underling culture and structures that create unequal outcomes.
Understanding individual issues, e.g. gender pay gap or lack of diversity in recruitment, can provide important insights into way an organisation works. However, if approached in isolation they do not create transformative change.
We take a governance-based approach to understand how organisations operate and where they should target interventions.
We combine business analytics with social science research methods, adding rich accounts of personal experience in a mixed method design. This approach enables us to analyse gaps but also adds descriptive analysis and lived experience to interpret the data.
We deliver training workshops on a range on topics surrounding EDI, from introducing new concepts to tackling difficult conversations and creating safe environments.
Our range of workshops cover topics from the fundamentals of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to specialised topics such as developing policy and governance. We also run workshops on the practical application of EDI in the workplace, such as ‘having challenging conversations’ where we aim to develop skills and strategies. Through focus groups we add contextual depth to our quantitative data collection, enabling us to make a thorough analysis of organisational practice and behaviours.
We hold an annual conference, with the inaugural event being held in November 2022. Here, we bring together leading and emerging thinkers from practice, policy and academia to discuss new ideas in the EDI space.
We support organisations in defining EDI objectives through an iterative process that allows them to think about long term objectives and transformational change.